
This summer EVPL wants you to Play YOUR Way! Discover new worlds in a book, create something wonderful, connect with others, and enjoy activities that are just for fun during Our Summer: Play Your Way.

All age groups can participate and earn entries for great prizes by reading and participating in fun activities. Specific reading goals and suggested activities are provided for five age categories.

And know that all reading counts! You can read on your own, read with someone else, listen to an audiobook, or read an eBook

Here’s how it works

  • Readers of all ages are invited to participate. Participants will be grouped by age: ages 0-5, ages 6-8, ages 9-12, Teens, and Adults.
    • P.S. – you don’t need an EVPL library card to participate!
  • To register, visit any EVPL location or participate digitally, by signing up and tracking books through EVPL’s Beanstack. Celebrate the beginning of Our Summer: Play Your Way with crafts, activities, and snacks at one of our Kickoff Parties.
  • Once registered, you’ll receive a registration prize (while supplies last) that includes a coupon for a free book from an upcoming EVPL Foundation Book Sale or the Book Store located in the lobby of EVPL Central.
  • NOTE: You can register at any time through Wednesday, July 31.
  • Record books read on the log provided at registration. There are multiple goals you can reach throughout Our Summer! You’ll earn grand prize entries when you reach the reading goal.  Visit any EVPL location to submit prize entries by Wednesday, July 31.
    • You can read eBooks, listen to audiobooks, read to someone else – it all counts! Books can come from your own collection, or you can read books you borrow from EVPL.
  • When you reach the middle of your reading journey, you can visit any EVPL location to spin our prize wheel and receive a prize.
  • You can also earn grand prize entries by participating in suggested activities. Some suggested activities are the same for each age group, such as “Participate in a library program.” Other activities vary by age but are all designed to encourage fun, connection, and enjoyment this summer.

This year’s Summer Reading Celebration is supported by these local partners: Azzip Pizza, BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse, Burdette Park, Deaconess Aquatic Center, Deep Blue Indoor Play, Evansville Tennis Center, Franklin Lanes, Howell Par 3 and Miniature Golf, Lic’s Deli & Ice Cream, Macaroni KID Evansville, Mr. Gatti’s Pizza, Swonder Ice Arena, Vertical eXcapeWalther’s Golf & FunWesselman Woods, and the EVPL Foundation.

Our Summer 2024 Grand Prizes

Our Summer: Play Your Way • Booklists

Ages 0-5 | Ages 6-8 | Ages 9-12 | Teens | Adults

Our Summer: Play Your Way • Logs

Ages 0-5

Ages 6-8

Ages 9-12

