Choosing your location or department to volunteer.
VolunTeen positions are available at EVPL Central, EVPL East, EVPL McCollough, EVPL North Park, EVPL Oaklyn, EVPL Red Bank, EVPL Stringtown, and EVPL West. There will also be positions available in the READ Center at EVPL Central. Please see the description below to learn about volunteering in this department: :
Volunteering in the READ Center will consist of both quiet preparation tasks and actively assisting with public youth programs. Quiet tasks may include preparing craft kits, assisting with pulling books for displays/educators, inventorying supplies, etc. Programming tasks may include setup and cleanup for events and interacting with youth patrons and their grownups. Possible programs needing assistance include storytimes, robotics programs, and EVPL BubbleFests. No prior knowledge of these topics is required, just a love of working with kids!
*Note: Volunteering at EVPL West will require some Saturday availability. For more information call West at 812-428-8232
*Note: Because of limited Volunteen spots at each location, we can not guarantee that you will be placed as a volunteer at your location of choice.
*Note: Due to the historic nature of the EVPL East, West, and Stringtown buildings, their spaces are not fully ADA accessible.