
Before you know it, warm weather will be returning and with it, SUMMER TIME! Which means a break from schoolwork and after-school activities.

If you’re looking to build up your work experience, rack up community service hours for school requirements, or meet some new friends while helping your community, EVPL will be hosting our Summer VolunTeens program, and we want you to join us! It is our goal for all participants to build a history of reliability, work ethic, and other unique skills used while volunteering that can be articulated for college, scholarship, and job applications.

Apply now!

Whether you’re the type of person who enjoys engaging with people in large crowds or more quiet, solitary work, we will make sure your experience with EVPL VolunTeens is the right fit for YOU.

Teens (entering grades 8-12 at any school or homeschooled) who are interested in participating in this program can apply beginning Wednesday, March 19. Applications for summer VolunTeens will be accepted until Wednesday, April 16, at 8:00 pm. Each EVPL location and department is accepting a limited number of volunteers. No applications will be accepted after April 16. Teens selected for the program will hear from EVPL staff during the week of April 21 – 25 to confirm volunteering and training orientation details.

Apply now!

Summer VolunTeen Spots at our Locations

Note: Volunteering at EVPL West will require some Saturday availability. For more information call EVPL West at 812.428.8232.
Note: Because of limited VolunTeen spots at each location, we can not guarantee that you will be placed as a volunteer at your location of choice.
Note: Due to the historic nature of the EVPL East, West, and Stringtown buildings, their spaces are not fully ADA accessible.

Apply now!


If you have any questions, please contact Rachel by email at volunteens@evpl.org or 812.428.8200 ext. 1274.

EVPL Staff

With 8 locations throughout Vanderburgh County, EVPL is ready to discover, explore, and connect WITH you! We encourage you to uncover new things, revisit old favorites, and to engage with us along the way.