
By EVPL Staff

You now have even more to love about your EVPL digital collection on hoopla Digital.

There are two ways to borrow content on hoopla: hoopla Instant and hoopla Flex.

New hoopla Flex Borrows!

hoopla Flex brings you the latest and greatest eBooks and audiobooks. With hoopla Flex—signified by revolving arrows—you can borrow titles marked Available or place a hold with just a click for a title marked Wait List. hoopla will notify you when it becomes available. You now have 2 hoopla Flex borrows to use at any given time. If you ever run out of hoopla Flex borrows, simply return one Flex title and select a new one.

hoopla Instant Still Always Available

hoopla Instant offers audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, music, television, and more—all in the same app. hoopla Instant titles—identified by a lightning bolt—are always available to immediately stream or download with no wait. You can use 20 hoopla Instant borrows each month.

Have other questions about how this expanded version of hoopla works? Click here for more information and frequently asked questions.

How to Access hoopla

Get all your digital content in one place through your smart device or computer. Sign up with your EVPL card at hoopladigital.com and download the hoopla app from your favorite app store.

EVPL Staff

EVPL Staff

With 8 locations throughout Vanderburgh County, EVPL is ready to discover, explore, and connect WITH you! We encourage you to uncover new things, revisit old favorites, and to engage with us along the way.

McCollough History
Hoodies & Fleece