October is the perfect time to explore a spooky chemistry experiment! The balloons in this experiment seem to blow up all on their own. Decorate your balloons with a ghost or jack-o-lantern face before starting to make this even more seasonal. Be sure to talk together about the science behind why this experiment works, and don’t be afraid to explore!
A chemical reaction is occurring inside of your water bottle between the baking soda (base) and the vinegar (acid). This acid-base reaction produces a salt (solid), water (liquid), and carbon dioxide (gas). It’s the carbon dioxide gas that is blowing up your balloon. As the gas is produced, it fills the water bottle. Once the bottle is full, it has nowhere else to go but up into the balloon. The carbon dioxide (CO2) gas that fills up your balloon is the same gas we exhale when we are breathing. It’s also the same gas plants use to produce energy.
C2H4O2 + NaHCO3 → NaC2H3O2 + H2O + CO2
vinegar + sodium bicarbonate → sodium acetate + water + carbon dioxide
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