Special shout out to EVPL McCollough VolunTeen Lincoln who helped put together this Simple Science!
It’s impossible to go outside in the summer without noticing the buzzing of many different insects. This simple science experiment replicates the noise that flies and bees make when they fly. This spinning noise maker can be made with just a few household craft objects. Use this experiment to investigate the concepts of vibration and sound. Be sure to talk together about the science behind why this experiment works and don’t be afraid to explore! Check out these titles on Hoopla to learn more: Bees, Understanding Insects, and The Simple Science of Sound.
Your spinning noise maker demonstrates how many bugs’ wings make noise when they fly. When you spin your noise maker, the rubber band vibrates against the wooden craft stick. These vibrations create waves in the air. These waves reach your eardrums, and your brain recognizes the vibrations as sound. Many insects such as bees and flies create these vibrations when they flap their wings to fly. Bees can flap their wings up to 230 times per second. These rapid vibrations create the familiar buzzing noise your spinning noise maker replicates.
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