
By Helen A.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average adult will hold over 12 jobs in the course of their lifetime. People can no longer count on “hiring on” with an employer and staying until retirement.

At any given time, recent high school and college graduates are looking to start their working careers. Add to that, there are people who want to move up and get a better job than what they are currently doing. Then, there are those who are faced with a sudden job loss and may need to begin an entirely new career. All of these people are competing for the same job, so how does an applicant stand out?  

The Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library can help with all of that. We have a great resource that you can find at our website. It’s a database called Brainfuse JobNow.  

Brainfuse JobNow provides online resources to assist with your job search: from discovering your next career, to creating resumes, and preparing for interviews. There is the added option of engaging with a live job coach in real-time!

This site can help you:

  • Explore careers. You can gain access to databases that help you figure out what could be the perfect career for you, whether you are just starting out or starting over.
  • Write your resume. Create your own, or use one of the handy templates available that remind you to include the key parts of the resume such as your past job experience, your educational background, and any special skills or certifications you may have. There is even an interactive option so that you can have your resume critiqued by an expert for maximum effect.
  • Practice interviews. Get interactive feedback on what to expect in an actual job interview, and get tips and pointers on presenting your most professional self.

Getting started is easy. Use your EVPL card to access Brainfuse JobNow. Create your account, and you are on your way to getting the personalized help you need to advance in your job search. Let us help you get to where you want to be with your career!

Helen A.

Helen A.

Give her a crossword puzzle to work, and Helen is one happy camper. She also enjoys making recipes healthier, developing her green thumb, and tracking her daily steps on walks with her husband.

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