Reference sources, free tutors, practice tests, and more
Multi-disciplinary databases, providing full text for more than 4,500 journals, including full text for more than 3,700 peer-reviewed titles.
Biographical database offering in-depth profiles from Current Biography and World Authors, the periodical coverage of Biography Index, and specialist content of Junior Authors & Illustrators.
Thousands of reliable full-text biographies, including the complete full text of Biography Today and Biography, plus narrative biographies not available in other databases.
Designed for doctors, research scientists, students and clinical specialists, this medical database provides more than 100 full text journals, including full text for many peer-reviewed publications.
Helping students navigate the college admissions process, including school options, admissions processes and interview prep, and guidance on financial aid and scholarships.
Suite of live tutoring services designed for a wide range of academic needs, whether helping with challenging homework, mastering a particular topic, or writing a paper.
Online research platform with access to a variety of databases, e-journals, and e-books from EBSCO. Used by millions of users and thousands of institutions worldwide, including school-aged users, researchers, and advanced degree professionals. These databases can be useful for finding publications and journal articles on specific topics within their subject areas. Users can also search across multiple databases simultaneously.
Student interface designed for use in kindergarten through grade 5 with a focus on the arts, literature, biography, current events, geography, culture, health, history, math, science and more.
Student nterface for grades 9 through 12, with a focus on the arts, literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history, math, science and more.
Student interface for grades 6 through 8 with a focus on the arts, literature, biography, current events, geography and culture, health, history, math, science and more.
An interface designed for public and school libraries with a focus on the arts, literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history, math, science and more.
For students and adults alike, the Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia database indexes over 25,000 records, covering an array of topics.
A personalized microlearning platform full of easily accessible eLearning resources and lesson plans that are grounded in solid instructional pedagogy.
INSPIRE offers magazines, books, encyclopedias, and other resources to all Indiana residents.
Skill-building resources for math, language arts, science, social studies, tech and logic/reasoning skills.
Collections of critical essays, reviews, and literary overviews, previously published in other sources. Students can easily search Contemporary Literary Criticism (1973-2008), Twentieth Century Literary Criticism (1978-2008), and Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism (1981-2008).
Comprehensive database, designed specifically for high school libraries, contains full text for more than 500 popular high school magazines, 85,639 biographies, 104,481 primary source documents and 360 reference books.
An exam database of over 1,000 different tests covering a broad range of industries. Covered tests include standardized school tests to career and technical certifications. Users have access to study guides, flash cards, practice tests, and videos.
Designed especially for elementary and middle school students, and filled with fiction and nonfiction titles chosen to satisfy both school curricula and the pleasure reading needs of students. Type in an author, title or keywords in the “find” box, or browse by age group, to access a rich collection of titles, Recommended Reads book lists and more.
Database of books and audiobooks helping readers find recommendations based on preferences and moods. Includes reading recommendations based on factors such as appeal, genre, and theme; reviews from librarians and others, articles and lists, plot descriptions, teaching ideas, and Lexile rankings. For more for over 150,000 fiction & 50,000 nonfiction titles.
Take online practice tests and use test prep materials to help you reach your education goals. Peterson’s also includes practice tests for professional certifications and career assessment tools.
Includes thousands of resources about fiction and nonfiction books used in the K–12 environment, to encourage the integration of multimedia author and book materials into reading and library activities.