EVPL has been a federal depository library since 1928. As a government depository, EVPL receives a variety of documents published by our government, including Presidential documents, census records past and current, congressional directories and records, laws and regulations and reports of government agencies. We provide access to this information in print and electronic formats. The Indiana State Library is a Regional Depository and has a comprehensive collection that can be accessed in person in Indianapolis, or requested through EVPL’s Interlibrary Loan.
A wide variety of Federal, State, and Local Government documents can be found in the Government Documents collections on the second floor of EVPL Central. You can also use our catalog to find other print and online documents.
EVPL receives a large variety of publications from many (not all) state agencies, listed here. Besides state laws and regulations, the state documents collection includes some state agency annual reports, travel information from the Department of Tourism, environmental reports, state budget information, employment statistics, etc. Publications are kept for at least five years.
For more information, call 812.428.8218 or send us a message with AskEVPL.
Convention and Visitors Bureau
Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana
Evansville Chamber of Commerce
Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation
Legal Services Indiana | Evansville Office
Vanderburgh County Official Website
Vanderburgh County Political Graveyard
200 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Evansville, Indiana 47713
Administration: ceo@evpl.org
Card & Account: circulation@evpl.org
Feedback & Ideas: marketing@evpl.org