EVPL offers the capability to send overdue, hold, and courtesy notices to your cell phone via a text message. How do you get started and opt-in?
Login to My Account, and then click on your name, then Contact Information. Scroll down to the Contact Information section and enter your 10 digit mobile phone number into Phone 1. Under Preferences, select Phone 1 from the dropdown for the number and set the Carrier to “EVPL Text”.
Texts come from 1.844.237.7377. To avoid these texts going to your SPAM/Junk folder, add 1.844.237.7377 to your Contacts. Standard text message rates will be applied by your cell phone carrier, depending on your plan.
*There may be up to a 24 hour delay for processing after opting in.
*Choosing to use the texting service does not change the email or phone notifications you have been receiving from the library. This service is an additional method of receiving notices.
Send a text message with the keyword HELP to get a list of common Keywords such as those listed below. |
For more info on a particular keyword, text HELP <keyword>. | |
MYBOOKS | See a list with a combination of: |
A. Item holds available for pickup | |
B. Item holds not yet ready for pickup | |
C. Items overdue | |
D. Items due soon | |
E. Current fees (If possible the associated titles linked to the fees) | |
MYCARDS | A numbered list of the barcodes currently registered to your phone |
ADDCARD | Link any number of secondary cards to your phone |
DROPCARD | Remove any secondary card linked to your phone |
OL | A list of overdue items and an option to renew them |
RL | A list of titles that you have due for renewal. |
IOWEU | Receive a reply informing you of the current total fees for each of the registered barcodes. |
HL | Receive a list of the items that are available for pickup |
Help information
To get help with the EVPL text message service, please send an email to evpl@shoutbomb.com.
Opt-Out information
To opt out, login to My Account, and then click the Edit account button. Set your notification method to “Phone” or “Email”. Then click, “Submit”.